Namur Expo

09-17 November 2024

Fine Art Fair since 1977

Plan your visit

Antica Namur invites visitors to explore the many different fields of art and discover all their secrets.

Book your stand

For more than 46 years, the Namur fair has been a major attraction for professionals and amateurs alike.


The Antica Namur fair has followed an exemplary course since its creation and seen a constant progression in quality.

The essential autumn fair!

Antica Namur Fine Art Fair is still among the top European fairs! For more than 46 years, the Namur fair has been a major attraction for professionals and amateurs alike.

More than 20,000 Belgian and European visitors, collectors and loyal buyers walk the aisles of Namur Expo to meet the 120 Belgian, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Swiss, Spanish and Luxembourg galleries…

The quality of the stands and the works on display has been consistently praised. A unanimous appreciation that has been felt for several editions.
Antica Namur Fine Art Fair offers a wide range of decorative arts from the 18th and 19th centuries, old masters, modern & contemporary paintings & sculptures, antique & artists’ jewellery, and furniture from the Haute Epoque to modern times as well as design and vintage.

Save the date!

From Saturday 9 to Sunday 17 November 2024

Private Preview

Thursday 7 November 

From 2pm to 10pm (upon invitation only)


Friday 8 November 

From 2pm to 10pm


From 9 until 17 November

Weekdays: 1pm – 7pm 
Week-end & Monday 11 November: 11am – 7pm